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Sunday School is every Sunday from 9:30-10:30 am for children age 3 through 6th grade. Throughout the year children participate in the Worship services in a variety of ways. Some of our 5th – 8th graders serve as acolytes. Other children sing in His Kids Choir. Occasionally our children are the worship leaders for an entire service.

Early Childhood Sunday School
We have a class for Pre-K 3-5 year olds. Little ones have a lot of energy and they learn through play. Our Early Childhood class is developmentally appropriate with lessons and activities that allow your child to take their first steps in learning stories from the Bible.

Sunday School for Kindergarten – 6th Grade
Our Elementary age children begin the morning together in the Wesley Center for music, a general object lesson, offering and prayer before going off to the classroom with their teachers and classmates for more specific, age appropriate learning.

Kindergarteners, First and Second Graders learn about people of the Bible through lessons, crafts, games, and interactive play.

Third Grade is the year children receive their first Bible. The year is spent learning how to use the new Bible and includes a special Lenten study in which parents or guardians join their children in comparing the Gospel accounts of the Easter Story.

Fourth Graders continue learning about their Bibles and study the Apostles Creed, the Lords’ Prayer and the two sacraments of the United Methodist Church – Baptism and Communion.

Fifth Grade is all about Survey and Service. Children dig deeper into the Bible and complete service projects related to our church and our community.

Sixth Grade focuses on missions. The children learn about missionaries, short term mission opportunities and how to share their gifts and talents by working on projects with an international focus. Their Bible lessons center around the Apostle Paul and the early church.

Sunday School is Year-Round
We offer Sunday School throughout the year, the exception being the Sundays of Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas weekends – these are Family Worship Sundays and children join their parents in the Sanctuary (childcare is available for children age 5 and younger). Our Summer Sunday School moves at a more relaxed pace and is often linked to our Vacation Bible School theme.

What forms are needed for my child to attend Sunday School?
We ask that all children attending Sunday School have one of the two forms below filled out when they first attend our program. Please download, print and fill out the appropriate form:

Can I bring my child to Worship?
Children are always welcome in worship. Children’s bulletins, activity bags and books are available in the entryway to the Sanctuary. Nursery care is available during the summer at our 9:30 am service.